Contact Us

Admissions Questions

Questions about admission to graduate degree programs in Arts, Sciences and Engineering (AS&E) at the University of Rochester should be addressed to the individual department graduate coordinator or to the graduate student recruiter, Silka Houghton, at (585) 275-6891.

Administrative Questions

Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs is responsible for managing central administrative services for graduate programs, and for interpreting University rules, regulations, and policies as these apply to graduate programs.

These activities are carried out in close cooperation with individual departments and programs offering graduate degrees and with the Office of the University Dean of Graduate Studies.

Contact individual departments for information regarding specific programs.

Mailing Address

Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs
University of Rochester
P.O. Box 270401
Rochester, NY 14627

Office Contact Information and Hours

206 Lattimore Hall
Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–noon and 1–4:30 p.m.

Phone: (585) 275-4153
Fax: (585) 273-2943


Dean of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, Nick Vamivakas
Assistant Dean of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs, Kristina Lantzky-Eaton
Assistant Director of Student Services, Katie Ferruzza
Assistant Director of Academic Affairs, Leanne Temp
Assistant Director of Admissions and Enrollment, Aisling Sive
Assistant Director of Alumni Engagement and Career Support, David Cota-Buckhout
Academic Records Manager, Donna Derks
Financial Analyst, Nick Chodak
Graduate Student Recruiter, Silka Houghton