Director 和 工作人员

The Director of Religious 和 Spiritual Life works with staff chaplains 和 affiliated faith community leaders to create, articulate 和 carry out the mission of the Interfaith Chapel within the University 和 greater Rochester community. She provides leadership by encouraging multi-faith underst和ing, interfaith dialogue, 教育, 与合作, through a variety of 教育al programs, spiritual offerings 和 service projects in the University 和 the local community off campus. She oversees the many religious 和 spiritual activities that comprise the life of the Interfaith Chapel, encouraging cooperation 和 underst和ing between diverse religious 和 spiritual groups.

牧师. Dr. Yarbrough mentors undergraduate student Interfaith Chapel Interns in the creation of ongoing interfaith events 和 dialogues, including bi-weekly Interfaith Cafes, a Fall 和 a Spring Interfaith Banquet with invited speakers, interfaith service projects, 和 off campus trips to religious sites 和 centers. She has taken students to the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 2015, 2018 和 2023 where she 和 the students facilitated workshops 和 presentations. She offers training for faculty 和 staff in Religious Diversity. She has received grants from Interfaith America to promote interreligious literacy on campus, including a yearlong program on Science 和 Religion, the creation of an academic course on Religion 和 Public Health, the institution of an academic course Bridging the Gap: Dialogue Across Difference 和 expansion of the services of the department of religious 和 spiritual life to graduate 和 professional students.

An ordained Episcopal priest, 牧师. Dr. Yarbrough serves as the Canon for Interreligious 和 Ecumenical Relations for the Episcopal Diocese of Rochester, 和 serves the national Episcopal Church on its St和ing Commission on Interreligious 和 Ecumenical Relations. She served for six years on the Episcopal Church’s Anglican Roman Catholic Dialogue commission. Regular dialogue with interfaith leaders on other campuses in Rochester 和 across the country, participation in the Rochester interfaith community, 在区域内, national 和 international interfaith gatherings enhances her outreach at the University.

The director also holds an appointment as associate professor in the Department of Religion 和 Classics, teaching courses in Sexuality 和 World Religions, Religion 和 Public Health, Introduction to Interreligious Studies, Bridging the Gap: Dialogue Across Difference, 和, during years the Parliament of the World Religions convenes, a Global Citizenship Practicum based on participation in the Parliament. She has published articles in academic journals 和 books on various aspects of interreligious work on campus 和 beyond.

牧师. Dr. Yarbrough earned her Doctor of Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary, her M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School 和 her undergraduate degree in Religion from Barnard College, Columbia University. She has taught courses at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School 和 Keuka College.

丹尼斯Yarbrough.牧师. Dr. C. 丹尼斯Yarbrough
Director of Religious 和 Spiritual Life


Headshot of 杰里米巷.

Chapel Coordinator
(585) 275-8421


Headshot of a d和elion.

Administrative Coordinator/预订 Coordinator
(585) 275-4321



Room 204 Interfaith Chapel

萨沙 the therapy dog has regular office hours during the academic semesters on Mondays 和 Fridays from 11 a.m. 到5点.m.  Students can stop by 和 spend time with her during those hours at their convenience. She is available for student or staff events 和 visits at other times upon request.